Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions? We're happy to help! Contact Support

Data & Features

  • Where is Fixer data coming from? Exchange rate data delivered by the Fixer API is collected from over 15 reliable data sources, every minute. Sources include banks and financial data providers.
  • Which type of currency data is supported? All exchange rate data delivered by Fixer is midpoint data. Midpoint rates are determined by calculating the average median rate of Bid and Ask at a certain time.
  • Can I convert currencies? Currency conversion is supported via a separate API endpoint and can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another.
  • Which currencies are supported? The Fixer API is capable of delivering accurate exchange rate data for 170 world currencies, including Bitcoin, Gold and Silver rates.
  • Which type of historical rates does the API offer? The Fixer API delivers EOD / End of Day historical exchange rates, which become available at 00:05am GMT for the previous day and are time stamped at one second before midnight.

API Access

Plans & Pricing

  • Are volume discounts available? We offer custom pricing plans for larger volumes. If you need more than what is offered on our standard plans, contact us, and we will be sure to work out a tailored solution for you.
  • Is this a subscription service? Yes. Depending on your choice, you will be billed either monthly or yearly. All subscription plans renew automatically and can be canceled at any time.
  • How do I pay? We accept most credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diner's Club) and standard invoicing procedures. During checkout, you will be able to choose your payment method.
  • Do you support non-profits? Absolutely — contact our support team, let them know more about your organization and what it does, and we will be happy to work out a more cost-effective way of using the service for you.
  • Why would I choose a paid subscription? Premium subscription plans come with larger amounts of monthly requests, more frequent data updates, essential currency conversion features, and dedicated support.
  • Can I upgrade, downgrade and cancel anytime? Active plans can be upgraded, downgraded, and canceled anytime. Upgrades are immediate, and downgrades and cancellations come into effect at the end of the billing period.
  • How do I change between monthly and yearly billing?
    If you need any assistance changing your billing frequency, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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